Sound Healing

Working with sound frequency to tune your body, mind and spirit like an instrument of the divine. 

Healing Sounds

Types of instruments used in sound healing sessions:


  • Crystal bowls
  • Flutes
  • Drums
  • Keyboards
  • Chanting
  • Other unique instruments

With all the dissonant vibrations that we are surrounded with in everyday life and the constant chatter of the lower mind, there is a need to create and put forth effort to harmonize and bring oneself into a natural resonance. The Circadian Rhythms are the organic state of aligned frequency that is coherent with the original blueprint of earth, human, and universe. By stilling the mind and body with meditation we become receptive and can absorb frequencies that will impact one at a cellular and energetic level. By either participating in the creation of sound or listening there can be a transformational experience. It can support and influence well being on many levels which brings about healing on deep issues and invokes a healthier integrated presence.

"I am inspired to serve others in awakening their true potential and know the core of who they are so one can live their best life and find peace, harmony, and love."