Everything that is going to bring balance and harmony lies on the other side of fear. Fear seeks a false sense of safety and security which will take irrational measures to find that fake stability. What’s the point in remaining in an illusion that doesn’t serve the highest possible transformation of self and group. 

Currently there is an opportunity to make adjustments and completely change direction. If people are waiting for politicians, governments, or institutions to make those decisions and create those plans of action you are fooling yourself. There will be manipulation, traps, and selfish serving interests in whatever narrative is presented. Now is a time to find our central place of power and not have answers presented to us by factions who do not have our or the planets best interest in mind.  What adjustments can you make to align your life to a greater purpose and vision? What talents and gifts can you harness and contribute to create a sustainable culture? These are just some questions we could be asking ourselves. 

An internal surrender to a broader vision of how spirit wants to awaken and flow through at a greater capacity is required to find appropriate well being and a clear path of action. There will be no going back to incoherent structures which operated on principles which were out of alignment with harmony and well being. Innovation is the key to building a new paradigm that operates in cohesion with nature and doesn’t exploit our own personal energy and deteriorate the environment. Your own personal transformation equals the potential collective transformation. 

May we make the necessary lifestyle changes within ourself that can create a potential impact on our families, communities, and at global levels. May we collaborate and make the appropriate actions that are required for a sustainable new paradigm to emerge. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Many blessings! May all be well! 

Jacobi Padua-Conscious Integration-New Paradigm Emergence