Our culture has the idea ingrained that Western medicine is the superior mode of healthcare – in fact, most of us have been brought up with this exact mentality.
As health deteriorates, we go to the doctor, who makes an educated guess about things based on symptoms and prescribes medication.
Even though this medication comes with a long list of possible side-effects, many of which are worse than the original problem, we take these medications to “manage” the situation.
Not to correct the situation. Just to manage it. To minimize the original symptoms (even if new ones are caused).
Because medicine only targets symptoms rather than the reason we’re unwell. So a new prescription often becomes a lifestyle. And as people age, they end up on several lifestyle medications, none of which ever seek to solve the problem.
What’s wrong with targeting symptoms? Symptoms are often the body’s best possible response to a bad situation. In this case, targeting symptoms only makes the bad situation more complex, which is why the body often responds with new symptoms when someone takes medications
Implementing well being healing techniques and lifestyle adjustments can alter the cause of the issues one may be experiencing. There are plenty of things one can do to allow these changes to occur. This will increase the energy level and create opportunities to have success in other desired areas of life. Have optimum health, grow your business, and achieve external as well as internal results. Dream big and go for the best version of yourself.